Founder Hotseat Submission Form
Thanks for your interest.

If you would like to receive feedback during the webinar, then please complete this form. Only the founders that provide the most concise and clear responses to the questions below will be considered (unfortunately we may not have time for everyone).
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Tell Us Your Startup Idea (Under 500 Characters) *
To get the most useful feedback, use this format: "My Company, [company name], is developing [a defined offering] to help [a defined audience] [solve a problem] with [secret sauce]" . Learn more and get tips on this format at People that follow this format correctly will be HEAVILY favored for selection on the event.
Name *
Feel free to make up a name if you do not wish for your name to be revealed on the webinar.
Email Address *
By providing your email address you agree to our Privacy Policy (
Disclaimer *
You understand that if your pitch is selected, it will be shared on the live event. In addition, there may be a video recording of the event that is publicly available thereafter.
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