2022 Jr/Sr High Family School Climate Survey
PLEASE NOTE:  This survey was previously shared in October.  We would like to collect as much information from our families regarding our school climate to share with our leadership teams.  If you already completed this survey, please disregard and do not complete it again.  If you have not completed the survey, please complete by Monday, December 11th.

We want to hear about your experiences with your student’s education. It includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about your personal experiences.
As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent or caregiver at your student’s school. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes. Please complete this survey by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28.
Thank you for your time and participation!
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Please indicate the grade of your student or students: *
Is your student enrolled in any of these programs? (mark all that apply)   *
Teachers at my student's school have high standards for achievement. *
Teachers at my student's school work hard to make sure that students do well. *
Teachers at my student's school promote academic success for all students. *
My student's school sets clear rules for behavior. *
My student feels safe at school. *
School rules are consistently enforced at my student's school. *
School rules and procedures at my student's school are fair. *
My student feels successful at school. *
My student is frequently recognized for good behavior. *
I feel comfortable talking to teachers at my student's school. *
Staff at my student's school communicate well with parents. *
I feel welcome at my student's school. *
All students are treated fairly at my student's school. *
Teachers at my student's school treat all students with respect. *
I feel like I am a part of the school community *
I attend parent/teacher conferences at my student's school. *
I am actively involved in activities at my student's school. *
Reflecting on your student(s) and their own needs, how would you rank your student(s) on the following:
Most of the Time
Self-awareness: Understands their emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence their behavior in different situatuions.
Self-management: Manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals.
Responsible decision-making: Makes caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.
Relationship skills: Establishes and maintains healthy and supportive relationships and effectively navigate settings.
Social awareness: Understands the perspectives of and empathize with others.
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My student’s school connects students and/or families to community organizations/resources for needed support, for example, counseling and other mental health supports, financial assistance, food assistance, etc. *
We will share your responses with our school and district improvement teams.  We want this survey to help bring about change that our parents/guardians would like to see.  Is there any additional information you would like to add that could enhance our school culture?  Please be considerate of using names of staff or students, as always if there are these issues please reach out to the school directly.
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