Public Input on Policing & Public Safety in Isla Vista
The Isla Vista Community Services District is seeking public input on public safety and policing in Isla Vista. This information will be used to improve our own public safety services (more information below), follow up on real-time issues, discover what potential new services are needed, and summarized to share with the public, law enforcement, county, and university officials.

You can email with any questions or concerns.

Past efforts to analyze public safety survey data can be found here soon.

Info on IVCSD Public Safety Programs:

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Do you have any public safety, law enforcement, or other related experiences to share? Please fill in below, no requirement to fill out the entire survey, but we welcome anything you would want to share.
I would like to be added to the IVCSD newsletter list
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How long have you lived/worked in Isla Vista?
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How would you describe yourself?
How can we make the Isla Vista community a safer place for all?
What have your interactions with law enforcement in Isla Vista been like?
How can law enforcement in Isla Vista be improved?
What are instances of racial injustice that you have experienced or witnessed in Isla Vista?
What are the top public safety issues right now in Isla Vista and how can they best be addressed?
Have you used or see the IVCSD Safety Stations on DP and Little Acorn Park? If so, how can they be improved to better serve the community?
On Friday & Saturday nights the IVCSD contracts with UCPD to station CSOs at 2 tent locations in Isla Vista. These safety stations serve as a hub for free quick response escorts home, distribution of water, and ability to charge phones. This program started in 2017 and operates August-June of each year, except in 2020 when it closed for the COVID-19 pandemic in March and reopened Halloween Weekend 2020. More information can be found here: 
The IVCSD currently provides funding for a specialized detective from UCPD to investigate interpersonal violence crimes like sexual assault and stalking in Isla Vista and work proactively to educate the community on these crimes. How can our detective better serve the community in investigating and preventing these crimes?
While this position is being re-filled, this program began in 2018 with support and leadership from student organizations organizing for better law enforcement responses to crimes of sexual assault. The contract was recently renewed until June 2021 with additional language to support outreach to groups focused on racial equity. More information can be found here:
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