Check-out Library Resource(s) Request
If you complete this before noon, your requested material will be ready for pick up the next school day.  If you are borrowing an AUDIOBOOK, you will have immediate online access as soon as I send you the information to access the book.

If you need to call me directly, the library circulation desk number is 523-1621.
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Your name *
Student ID (same as your lunch ID) *
Title of Book(s) & Author or MATERIAL NEEDED *
Please enter the TITLE(s) and authors if you know them.  You can borrow up to 5 titles at a time.  OR type in what type of material(s) you need...CALCULATORr? TEXTBOOK? If you don't know the title, tell me the class (ex. Honors Chemistry).  Be as specific as you can.
Contact info
Enter your phone number where I can reach you if I have questions.
Phone number
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