In order for us to make the event safe for you, please complete this electronic consent form below.

In keeping with new restrictions in place at the time of this event, we have limited the number of places available. Therefore we will be operating on a first come, first serve basis following the completion of this digital form.

Information provided in this form is used only by staff at Flying Futures and programme providers who are responsible for activities to ensure full safety of all participants on the programme. Please complete all sections in full, providing as much information as required. By completing this form, and marking the allocated section you give full permission to participate in activities delivered across the whole programme.

Upon completion of the form, we will contact you to confirm attendance and confirm details of the event.

This programme is aimed at children on free school meals and is funded by the Department of Education under the Holiday Activity and Food programme.

If you have any questions ahead of the event or completing this form, contact us- 

Thank you in advance!

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Which programme are you wanting to participate in?
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Participants names *
Date of birth *
Gender of participant
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Parent/guardian full name *
Parent/guardian Contact Number *
Parent/guardian Email address *
Home address incl. post code *
Relationship to participant *
Secondary emergency contact information (Name, relationship, telephone number) *
Please supply all information about any medical information about the participant we need to be aware of whilst attending. Provide additional information where applicable. *
As refreshments will be available, please supply information relating to food allergies and/or intolerances?
The programme providers will capture footage of the programme for social media and promotional footage. Please confirm below your consent for photographs and film footage to be taken and used for such purposes. *
I give full consent for the participants named on this form to fully participate in the programme we are delivering. *
Is there any additional information we need to know prior to attending? *
Person completing this form (Name & relationship to young person)
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