ZA垂直探險工作室-報名系統 (ZA Adventure Studio - Register System)
如有任何問題,歡迎寄信到 與我聯繫,謝謝!

Welcome to ZA Course Register System! Please fill your personal information below.
If there is any question, welcome to mail to to contact us.
Thank you very much!

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報名課程 (Course Register) *
姓名 (Name) *
電子信箱(E-Mail) *
行動電話(Mobile Phone Number) *
國籍 (Nationality) - 台灣不用填
聯絡地址 (Current Address) *
過敏病史 (History of allergy)
請敘述是否有過敏病史, 何種過敏, 過敏症狀如何? Pleas let us know do you have the history of allergy. If you will allergy, please describe the items or food will make you allergy.
性別(Gender) *
出生年月日 / birthday *
身分證字號 / Passport or ARC Number *
緊急聯絡人 / Emergency Contact Person *
緊急聯絡人電話 / Phone Number of Emergency Contact Person *
特別附註 (Additional  Note)   - 非必填選項,如果你有任何需求及訊息需要讓我們知道,麻煩請在這裡備註(Optionally, If you have any information what you think we may need to know. Please brief note below.)
每週運動次數 (The Exercise Frequency per Week) *
每次運動長度 (Duration of Each Exercise) *
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