Custom Bingo Set by Littlehammer Games
This form is to collect the language for the squares in the custom bingo game that you've ordered.  Work cannot begin on your custom game until both this form and payment have been received.  You'll need to select your game and pay on the Littlehammer Games website. 

There are a total of 75 squares that will need text, in addition to the headers for each column.  This is just like a regular Bingo game that goes from B-1 through O-75 and ensures that each game card contains a unique combination of squares.  You'll provide the text for those squares and I'll scramble them for unique game cards.

This form is easiest to fill out if you've thought through your squares ahead of time.  This printable worksheet to help you do that.  Just print it out and brainstorm all your squares.  Grab it here:
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Here is an example card.  You'll be asked to provide the information within this form.
What is your name? *
What is the name on your order, if different?
Provide the email where your completed game should be sent *
What is the date of your event? *
What should the title be? (i.e. Sweet 16 Bingo) *
What should the center square say? (i.e. Sweet 16 or Free Space) *
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