everything, always: improvisation, group work, & instant composition experimental workshop
This workshop will run THREE times this spring. The content will be the same in all three sessions, but with new bodies to experience it with. Feel free to sign up for one or all dates! 

THURSDAY - March 28th 
at Links Hall 
Time: 11am - 2 pm 
Price: $20 
*20 spots 

MONDAY April 1st 
at Bim Bom Studios 
Time: 11 am - 2 pm 
Price: $20 
*15 spots 

WEDNESDAY April 24th 
at Bim Bom Studios 
Time: 11 am - 2 pm 
Price: $20 for one 3hr workshop 
*15 spots 

Feel free to email me with any questions! 

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Full Name & Email (or best way to contact)  *
Let me know how you'd like to pay below... 
(payment can be made before or on the day of workshops, just filling out this form will save your spot.)

Venmo: @Maggie-Vannucci
Zelle Payment: maggie.vannucci@gmail.com or (708) 446-6642 
***If you would prefer to pay cash, please let me know below
Spring Workshop Dates - single sessions *
If you'd like to attend multiple sessions, please list each date below ...

Consent Form: 

 Safety & Boundaries 

Be aware of what your partners and other participants are communicating to you by using full-body listening and paying attention to the multiple ways that someone can signal yes or no. We are responsible for the safety of one another on the dance floor and we all may decide when and if we choose to interact with others. We are all interacting with dancers of varied skill, ability, and experience. 

Practice awareness about how identity, background, and experience level can create complex dynamics that affect people’s ability to proactively indicate or verbally say “no” to interactions. Do not assume that people want to be touched or do contact in any specific way just because they showed up for this event. 

Everyone has the right to step out of an exercise at any time and break off contact with anybody at any time without having to give a reason for why. It’s always ok to say “No” or “Stop”. You can always leave a dance or conversation, no apology needed. 

Focus & Intention 

We are collectively striving to cultivate an environment that centers dancing of all forms, movement exploration, and performativity. Therefore please keep social and casual conversation outside the workshop space. Voice work can be used as a tool while performing said scores but is asked to be kept to a minimum while observing each performance round. Please keep recording and phones off during our improvisational performance time to ensure all participants feel liberated to explore their ideas. 

Solos, duets, trios, quartets, and larger groupings are all part of the greater performance of the whole room: enter scores with a spirit of attending to what is already there. You always have the agency to choose your experience! Listen to your “Yes” and “No” and know that both impulses are helping the score develop. 


There is no one way to approach our improvisational scores. I will offer suggestions and guidance, as will other observers, however, these are just objective observations. We welcome all ideas and curiosities that emerge in real-time. Experiment, experiment, experiment.

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