Business Health Check

Doing better in business starts with diagnosing the problems 🔍

Use this form to see how you score across key areas of your business numbers and operations. 

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My bookkeeping is up to date (within 1-2 weeks) and accurate
My customer invoices are always paid on time (to ensure my cash flow is not at risk)
I sit down monthly to compare my results with my targets
From my “sit down” I create an action plan to improve my cash and profit
I take action from my plan and see improvements month on month
Cash Flow never stresses me out
My gross profit is pretty much where I want it to be
My net profit is pretty much where I want it to be

I don’t have any ATO debt that is stressing me out (or that isn’t being managed easily)
I am not drawing out more money from the business than I am making in net profit (minus cash reserves for other things)

I am not dipping into my own money to prop the business up
I understand that employee entitlements don’t “show up” in the profit and loss or balance sheet & I am comfortable that I’ve reserved money to cover them (so I don’t end up with cash flow problems)

Plan - I have a simple plan for my business – I know what “optimal” cash and profit looks like and my plan is designed to take and keep me there

Productivity – I spend an hour a day minimum working on the growth and stability of my business and my goals – rather than just in the business
On the whole I feel more like I’m moving ahead than like a hamster on wheel – busy going nowhere

We would love to give you a call to discuss your results. What is your phone number? Alternatively you can schedule a free Strategy Session to discuss your results ( Select a Date & Time - Calendly)
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