Tips, Tools and Resources: From neurodivergent scientists for neurodivergent scientists

As part of a series aiming to amplify the stories of neurodivergent scientists, eLife invites neurodivergent people to use this form to share tips, tools and resources that they use or have designed to improve their experience as a neurodivergent researcher. These submissions will be collated in this publicly available list, for the benefit of other researchers in the community.

What counts as a “tip, tool or resource”?

Submissions may include - but are not limited to:

  • online resources you’ve found helpful
  • supportive communities you belong to
  • apps, software or objects you use regularly
  • strategies you've adopted or created for yourself to tackle certain task
  • personal advice or words of encouragement for fellow neurodivergent scientists

These tips may be useful for work (e.g. writing, reading/reviewing the literature, experiments, fieldwork etc.), but also for day-to-day life, advocacy, well-being or finding a community.

Who can submit a contribution?
We welcome contributions from all neurodivergent individuals with research experience, regardless of diagnosis status or form of neurodivergence. We especially encourage submissions which may be primarily relevant for neurodivergent researchers from underrepresented and/or under-diagnosed communities. Your contribution will be completely anonymous, including to eLife.

What will eLife do with my submission?

Submissions are collated in this publicly available list within a few days of you completing the form — please help us share it widely! eLife may at some point compile this information into a short blogpost which will be freely accessible and under a CC-BY licence.

Please note that all contributions will be reviewed before being listed (for example, we cannot accept self-promotion of paid services), and some may be lightly edited (e.g. to remove identifying information).

Important note:

We acknowledge that the resources collected via this form cannot address the structural issues that neurodivergent scientists may be facing in and outside of academia. This initiative should not detract from the need for institutional and policy changes, or suggest that the focus should be solely on individuals trying to ‘manage themselves’. Still, we hope that a few of these crowd-sourced strategies may be helpful and valuable to some in the short-term. By providing a place for neurodivergent scientists to safely share these snippets of their lives, we hope that others will feel less isolated in their experiences, and that they will be encouraged to design or embrace the strategies they find useful for themselves.

Image credit: Vicky Bowskill (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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Think you have a story that you'd like to share with eLife's Sparks of Change instead?

Visit here to see what we're looking for!
Please share something you’ve found useful in your life as a neurodivergent researcher (e.g. strategies you’ve designed for yourself, online content, apps etc.) and explain in a few words how you’ve been using it.  *
Feel free to include multiple related resources in one answer, or make more than one submission to this form. If applicable, please include relevant links.
We are asking the following questions to make it easier for an audience to identify the submissions that may be best suited for them. However, please feel free to skip all or any of them.
[Optional] Which area of life does your submission best apply?
[Optional] If your submission is relevant for work, which area of work is it most helpful with?
[Optional] Which type of resources have you shared?
[Optional] Which of the following is your submission most relevant for?
[Optional] Please use this space to share any other information that you believe may benefit another neurodivergent researcher.

Answers to this question may be included in the public list of resources.
[Optional] Please use this space if there is anything else that you think it'd be helpful for us to know.
Answers to this question will not appear in the public list, and are solely for the benefit of the eLife team working on this project.
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