Business Plan (BP) Submission Form 
Congratulations you've nearly finished Module 3! 

In order to graduate, you must send us your completed Business Plan. 

Please use this form to send us your plan if you are using a GoogleDoc template. 

If you are not using the GoogleDoc template, please send photos of your handwritten plan to or via Whatsapp to 9118 0854 . Make sure to add your name to every page. 
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Email *
1. Name *
2. Phone number *
3. What is your Class Group Name/ Batch Number? (you can find this in your class Whatsapp group if you're not sure)  *
4. Please share a link to your BP GoogleDoc below.  *
5. Please share a link to your Financial Forecasts Google sheet below.  *
6. You can CHOOSE to enter your completed BP into this year's Graduation Competition. If you enter, you'll have the chance to win a cash prize and give a speech at the Graduation Ceremony. 

Would you like to enter your completed BP into this year's Graduation Competition? 
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7. Do you want to attend the Graduation Ceremony? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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