The New Rochelle Thanksgiving Parade - Saturday November 23 10:00AM - 1:00PM    Participation Request Form 


***Please Note: Groups MUST have a banner & be coordinated somehow with matching uniforms, shirts, hats, sashes, etc.

There is NO FEE for Marching in the Parade. Vehicle Fee $500.

All Parade Marchers MUST arrive at the Huguenot Children’s Library – 794 North Ave – at the Check-In Table no later than 9:00 AM. There you will receive your line-up order. 

***Please Note: Your submission of this application will signify your group's photo release for filming your appearance in the Parade and the publication of any subsequent photographs. Submission additionally signifies compliance with and acknowledgement of 2024 Thanksgiving Parade Participation Rules linked above. 

Contact us at (914) 632-5700 or
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Email *
Organization/Club Name *
Contact Full Name *
Email *
Address *
City / Zip Code *
Phone *
No more than 3 Brief Sentences with Fun Fact or Description of Organization to be announced on NRTV while group is on camera         
How many marchers do you have?
Is your group a BAND?
If YES, how many band members?
 Are there any fees associated with your band?
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If YES, please explain
Will your group perform and/or have music?  *
If YES, what type of performance (dance, singing, stepping, twirling, etc.)  and/or what type of music? NOTE: performances and music MUST be Family Friendly
Are you interested in Sponsoring a Parade Balloon?
Is your group interested in holding a balloon (ages 15+ only)?
Are you interested in Sponsoring a Parade Float?
Will you have a Vehicle in the Parade? Vehicle Participation is $500. ALL Vehicles MUST be Approved and given a Vehicle Permit by the NR Chamber PRIOR to the Parade or they will NOT be allowed to participate.
Does your group need to march with/next to another group?
Are you interested in Sponsoring Hot Chocolate for the Marchers? $300
Do you have any participants in character costumes? NOTE: ALL Costumes must be approved by the NR Chamber PRIOR to the Start of the Parade.
How did you hear about this event? *
Comments and/or questions
The New Rochelle Thanksgiving Parade is a non-partisan, non-sectarian event. The Parade is designed for family friendly entertainment and is not an open public forum; therefore themes, props, signage, clothing, and hand-outs may not be based on controversial, social, political or religious themes. The Parade Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any application without explanation. By clicking "I Agree" and submitting this application, you acknowledge the above statement and agree to abide by it. Your submission of an application will signify your group's photo release for filming your appearance in the Parade and the publication of any subsequent photographs. 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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