MBSP ADORE High School Spring Retreat (2025)
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The Details

For full details please visit blessedsacramenttoledo.com/church/youth-group/ and read the PDF "ADORE High School Spring Retreat 2025 - Info Page"

This form is due by Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 (Ash Wednesday). 
A form will need to be filled out for each attendee. 

Fill an answer box with "N/A" if you have an answer that does not apply.
Who will be attending this event?
First Name *
Last Name *
T-Shirt Size (Adult Sizes) *
Do you need an air mattress?  *
Male or Female? *
Grade: *
Age *
Home Parish/Church *
Are there any allergies or food concerns that Ryan Adamson and the ADORE Volunteer Team should be aware of? *
This teen may receive the following (checked) over-the-counter medication upon his/her verbal request to Ryan Adamson or Youth Ministry Volunteers. *
We will be trusting our teens to administer their own medication during this retreat. However please inform us of this teen's medication so we have the information in the event of an emergency. *
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