Frankly Speaking - A Podcast on Responsible Business
Dear Frankly Speaking listener,

After a year of thought-provoking conversations and 40 brilliant guests, we would like to get to know our 15,000 listeners better. 

This anonymous survey will take you just a few minutes and will help us understand what you enjoy in the show, what you want us to do better and who you want to listen next!

Many thanks in advance for your input.

The Frank Bold team
In what sector do you work in? *

How did you first hear about our podcast?

What is your preferred episode length? *

What do you most like about the podcast?

What do you like least about the podcast?

What's your favorite episode(s) of our show? Why do you like it?

Have you ever told friends, colleagues, or social media followers about our podcast? What motivated you to share it? Which episode did you share?


What would you like to hear more of on the show?


Is there a specific guest or topic you think we should have on the podcast?


Anything else we should know about?

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