MCA Shahada Booking Form
Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarrakatuhu,
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you,

If you are ready to take the Shahada, please fill out this form, and a member from the MCA Outreach team will connect with you to schedule an appropriate time for you to take the Shahada.

MCA Outreach team provides vital support to assist every new Muslim on his or her new spiritual journey. 

Learn more about our services at:
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Your Name (First, Last) *
Your Email *
Your Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Which city do you live in? *
Gender *
1st Muslim Witness (Leave blank if you want the mosque to provide the witness): (optional)
2nd Muslim Witness (Leave blank if you want the mosque to provide the witness): (optional)
How would you like to take your Shahadah? *
Requested Shahada Date at MCA Bay Area:
We are flexible on timings, including weekday evenings and weekends. Fridays following the 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. services are the popular times for the Shahadah.  Do you have a certain date in mind or day of the week/time?
Are you interested in getting a Shahada Certificate?

This certificate serves as proof of your Muslim identity and can be beneficial for future needs.

Tell us about yourself
Questions or comments?
What to Expect on the day of Shahada
Taking your declaration of faith, the shahada, is perhaps the most important moment of your life, the beginning of a new chapter and a formal acknowledgement of your becoming a Muslim.

Shahada ceremonies are usually intimate affairs. Typically, they are held in a private setting with just a handful of people serving as witnesses, alongside the officiating Imam and two witnesses. You may wish to invite family, friends & colleagues to join you in celebrating this momentous and life-changing occasion!
You can view one of the Shahada ceremony below
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