White Daisy Wanderer: Universal Client Inquiry Form
Thank you for allowing White Daisy Wanderer to research a quote for your upcoming travel plans and experience. I will work to get you the best price available. Please complete the Client Inquiry Form in its entirety. I will be contacting you shortly with a quote. If you have any additional questions, please contact me on my website at www.WhiteDaisyWanderer.com or by email whitedaisywanderer@gmail.com. I look forward to helping you create your dream vacation!
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Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Preferred method of contact:
Travel Plans
Below are questions to help me better understand your specific wants and needs for your vacation.
What Universal experiences are you interested in?
Dates of Travel
Are your dates flexible? If so, to what degree?
How many adults 18+ (Age at time of travel)
How many children 10-17 (Age at time of Travel)
How many children 3-9 (Age at time of Travel)
How many children 0-2 (Age at time of Travel)
For Universal Studios Parks Inquiries Only - Please select the type of ticket you are interested in:
How many Theme Park days are you looking to do on this trip?
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If you already have some ideas on where you'd like to stay, please share (it's okay if you don't!):
Flights - I will research the best flights and give you that information. But I will not be able to book the flights for you. It makes things more complicated if an issue arises during your trip. I want to make it a easy as possible for you.
What would you prefer?
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Will you require transportation?
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Budget is very important
I will do my best to search for the most value for your price point, I ask that your expectations to be realistic to match your budget.
Which best describes your price point?
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What is your budget?
How soon do you want to you make your deposit?
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Any other info that would be helpful for me to know?
Do any of the following apply to you?
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This is an inquiry for a quote only. Quotes are subject to change until the time of booking. Please keep in mind, as you review/discuss/research other options; airfare may increase, rooms may be otherwise reserved. I suggest planning your trip well in advance to take advantage of flexible payment plans.
I do not charge a research fee, and there is no extra charge for booking via White Daisy Wanderer. While there is no commitment, please acknowledge & respect that my time and effort will be put into your personalized quote. There is no savings by booking on your own and if you do so, you will loose the benefits and support that comes with using an agent such as myself. 
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