Help flip the middle school script!
As the oldest and largest organization of its kind, AMLE is uniquely positioned to lead the fight for our middle grades students and school communities. To accomplish our ambitious goals, we seek support from educators like you who recognize the opportunity of the middle grades.

Helping is as easy as sharing your story!

AMLE invites you to share written or video testimonials responding to the below prompts. These will be compiled and shared with education leaders and policymakers to advance the aims of AMLE's National Policy Agenda for Middle Level Education. The policy agenda includes seven aims:

Priority One: Gain Federal Recognition
Priority Two: Expand Professional Development Funding
Priority Three: Grow and Diversify the Education Workforce
Priority Four: Address the Mental Health Crisis
Priority Five: Support Innovation
Priority Six: Expand Career Exploration Opportunities
Priority Seven: Increase Research Funding 

You can learn more about each priority and access the AMLE Advocacy Toolkit at Need assistance? Contact 

Notes and Tips:
  • If submitting a video testimonial, consider filming in your school or classroom or with a professional background.
  • We recommend limiting videos to three minutes in length and written submissions to 500 words.
  • Please do not include any children in video testimonials. 
  • AMLE will contact respondents prior to the inclusion of any testimonials in AMLE campaigns. 
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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
School/Company Name
Mailing Address
I would categorize my school setting as:
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I am responding to the following prompt(s):
If your submission is written, include it here. 
If your submission is a video, provide a link to where it can be downloaded or viewed. 
How familiar are you with AMLE's National Policy Agenda for the Middle Grades?
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I am interested in the following opportunities to advance AMLE's advocacy work in support of middle level education:
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority One: Gain Federal Recognition
Not at all important
Very important
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Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Two: Expand Professional Development Funding

Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Three: Grow and Diversify the Education Workforce
Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Four: Address the Mental Health Crisis
Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Five: Support Innovation
Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Six: Expand Career Exploration Opportunities
Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
Please rate the seven policy priorities in terms of their importance to you personally.

Priority Seven: Increase Research Funding 
Not at all important
Very important
Clear selection
By typing my full name below I attest that the submission is my own and that I have the rights to any of the content included in said submission.  I grant permission for my submission to be used by the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE). I understand that excerpts from this may be used in future projects with AMLE, in advocacy promotional materials, in email and social media channels, and on AMLE's website. I waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.
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