Arya Design Services (Listing Description)
Thank you for choosing us to assist you in listing your properties on Airbnb and Furnished Finder. To ensure a smooth process, please provide the following information:
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What is the full address of the Home/Apartment?
Link to Property photos (Dropbox or Google drive). Please be reminded to make the link public so anyone can access to view.
Airbnb's Login Information
Furnished Finder's Login Information
Please be advised that there is $149 fee for each property to list on Furnished Finder. What card information should we use?
You can also do it on your end and we will be the one to set up the listing after your payment.
What is your monthly rent?
Maximum Guest Capacity:
Is this property pet-friendly?
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Any additional fees you will charge the tenant? Example: Deposit, Pet Fee, Pet Deposit, Cleaning/Move-in Fee. Please provide how much would the fees be and if this is a one-time payment or recurring.
For Airbnb: Will you provide a weekly and/or monthly discount if they book 30 days or more? If yes, how much would it be?
For Airbnb: Do you want to manually accept booking requests or you prefer to turn on "Instant book" feature?
For Airbnb: Indicate the number of minimum nights and/or maximum you would allow guests to book
How soon would you accept booking requests?
Will you be available for any in-person assistance during the guest's stay?
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List any specific house rules for guests (e.g., no parties, quiet hours, etc.)
Do you offer any additional services (e.g., airport pickup, cleaning during the stay, etc.)? If yes, please specify
Are there smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in the property?
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Is there a security camera in the property? Where is it located?
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