Creative writing with an AI collaborator
Humans excel at storytelling, using creativity and communication skills to pass on histories, introspect, entertain, and connect with others.

We are trying to learn whether and how Neural Language Models can be useful collaborative tools for writers creating short stories. Specifically, we are studying the ability of NLMs to be fine-tuned to specific texts, creating several characters with which our human authors can interact.

If you are interested in becoming involved and are a creative writer, please fill out a few details about yourself in the form below. We will be in touch with you to participate in our pilot experiment or in the full experience of co-authoring a short story with an AI author.
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Name *
Email address *
How would you briefly describe your writing style/genre/interests/background? e.g. professional science fiction author, or spoken word poet, or traditional storyteller etc. *
Why are you interested in co-writing with an AI author? what potential does it have for you? (any and all answers welcome) *
What would you be willing to participate with? *
If you chose other, how would you like to be involved?
Do you have any suggestions/comments/ideas you would specifically like to get in touch about and if so what are they?
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