Living at Your Core Life Assessment.

Congratulations, the first step to change is awareness.

I know that this exercise will bring you tons of insight and even growth. You may be using this Assessment in preparation for a call with me, then I am excited to read all your responses so I am fully prepared to support you in a very meaningful way.

Let's start with a few slow and full inhales and even slower exhalations so you can get into a relaxed state open to truth and acceptance. Thank yourself for acknowledging you need to care and nurture YOU. This assessment invites you to think deeply about what is really going on in your life, what you truly want, and areas you need to work through. It also invites you to project and dream.

Careful, triggers can go off, beliefs and feelings that may be blocking or restricting you. With this in mind, try to give yourself at least 15 to 20 minutes to go through the questions. Make notes in your journal or notebook if you feel moved to.

In the end, you will be asked whether you want to book a free 40 minute call with me. Know that it would be a pleasure to take this process one step further and in the end share how I can continue to support you. No pressure at all, you are in control of the process.

Hope this all sounds as gorgeous as it is and you just sighed and smiled... 🤩. Then, go ahead, here's to choosing to 'just do YOU'!
Carla x'

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What is your name ? *
What is your area of expertise, career or business?  (How do you earn an income) *
In a relaxed state, can you reflect on the last 12 months and list at least 12 accomplishments you are proud of or passionate about. Big or small, in any/all area of your life. *
In your diary or notepad, list the names of 6 people who have been supportive in these accomplishments. You can share them here too.
Once you are done this assessment, I would like you to send them each an individual note of gratitude.
You can list the names or just answer 'DONE' to this question.
What are the top 6 goals you are committed to focus on accomplishing in the next 6 to 12 months? *
Have you set these goals before? What was the outcome? *
What area(s) of your life are you MOST challenged and/or unhappy with right now and need to commit to improving? *
What are some things that truly inspire you and you are really passionate about doing? *
What are the biggest fears, blocks or barriers you can identify that may be causing these challenges or stopping you from chasing your passions and goals? *
You can explain further here too if you wish:
Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths, release any physical tension and allow your worries to dissolve. Then in a gentle trance, prompt yourself with this question: 'If money, time and circumstance were not an issue, what would the grandest version of my  personal and professional life look and feel like?'... Now go ahead, describe it in full technicolour detail. I call this a 'Personal Proclamation' (Don't skimp, feel into this one okay) *
Thanks for taking the time to do this. Do you feel that a call with me to talk this through would be helpful? *
If we had a call, and you wanted to continue on to work with me, would you be happy to hear more about my services?
So you have done this assessment, and had a call with me, excited to work with me further, be honest, would you be ready and committed to dedicating the time and focus to your personal & professional ascension? *
If you think, yes I want to be coached, are you in a position to make a FINANCIAL investment in yourself? *
I am prepared to invest in you through this Assessment and a FREE Call, but are you ready and committed to invest in you?
I would love to follow-up with you, please share your telephone #. *
Thank you for investing this time in yourself and allowing me into your circle of trust. If you do want to have a call, I too look forward to it, please follow the next prompt to book your preferred time and date. 
With grace,
Carla x
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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