Client Survey
The New Jersey Small Business Development Center (NJSBDC) and Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation (FCE+I)

Fill out this 3-minute survey so we can make our services BETTER for you! If you have any questions, please contact 
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Email *
Your Name
Email  *
Are you a current IGNITE participant?  *
Phone Number *
Street Address/PO Box (give business address if currently in business)
City, State and Zip Code
Name of the Business?
Briefly describe your business / product / service.
Date Business Started?(MM/YYYY)
Business Ownership – What percentage of your business is female-owned?
Business Ownership – What percentage of your business is minority-owned?
Total No. of Employees: (Full & PT)
As of the most recent full business year, what were your annual Gross Revenues/Sales?
What is the legal entity of your business?
Race (mark one or more)
To which gender identity do you most identify?
Veteran Status
Type of Business (choose primary category)
If your company is currently exporting, please indicate the countries to which your company exports
What do you currently need help with?
Name of advisor you want to meet with (if known and if applicable)
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