Burnout among Creatives
We are a team of designers that are conducting research to gain a better understand of the role that burnout is playing in the lives of creatives. This survey will help us gain a better understanding of burnout in creative industries and will inform our design solution.

This survey is anonymous unless you choose to provide a contact for further research purposes. You may choose to exit this survey at any point. None of the data will be used outside this project and no personal information you share will be used or shared for non-research purpose.

P.S.: This survey contains a completion code for SurveySwap.io
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How old are you? *
What creative industry are you in? *
What is your position title? *
How long have you been in a creative field? *
Do you know what burnout is? *
Have you experienced burnout yourself? *
How often do you suffer from burnout? *
Not often
Very often
If yes, what do you do to cope that feeling? *
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms? *
How has COVID impacted your work? *
Is there anything specific in your work environment that causes you stress? *
Does your company offer any resources that help with burnout or mental health? *
If yes, what resources do they offer? *
Does you employer expect you to work beyond your stated work hours? *
How much do you work outside of your stated hours in an average week? *
How often do you check work-related messages during non-work hours? *
All the Time
Do you have anything to add about your experiences with burnout? *
If you are open to an additional online interview or survey, please provide your email or phone number below.
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