Taiyaari Jeet Ki - 18
Amar's Classes For English || Mirganj, Begusarai, G.D. College Road, Near Mamta Hotel || Call On : 9570589502
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1. Walt Whitman worked as a Volunteer Nurse in ______ *
1 point
2. Who was overwhelmed by the trust his people have placed in him ?  *
1 point
3. T. S .Eliot is a _____ poet.  *
1 point
4. ______ rolling on proves that life goes on despite mortality.  *
1 point
5. " And gathering swallows twitter in the skies is taken from ______ *
1 point
6. Who wrote 'Hyperion " and a" Endymion"  *
1 point
7. " However, rare ______ rare it be, And when I crumble _______"  *
1 point
8.  A ____ tree is mentioned in the poem Snake.  *
1 point
9. The poetess in the Granmother's House "begs at _____ door *
1 point
10. Pearl S. Buck is an _____writer. *
1 point
11. The Life Span in India was only ______ *
1 point
12. Pearl S. Buck visited India to see the young intellectuals and the _______ *
1 point
13. Who is well known for his songs and sonnets, Satires and Elegies and Sermons ?  *
1 point
14. Which thing has enriched the vocabulary of English ?  *
1 point
15.Who was light of step and heart ? *
1 point
16. Bertrand Russell belonged to___ *
1 point
17. The porter sold the gourd of Sebei for__yen. *
1 point
18. _____is from T.S. Eliot's collection called "Old Possum's Book of Practical cats. *
1 point
19. K.N. Daruwala is an__poet. *
1 point
20. It was the ___of the poet along with him, passing by the cremation ghat. *
1 point
21. William Langland and Geoffrey Chaucer belonged to the___period *
1 point
22. Who says, "Every atom of blood is the same in all human beings" *
1 point
23.Dr. Zakir Hussain was a great____ *
1 point
24. "Spelling colour" is used in___ *
1 point
25.Who has written "She stoops to conquer"? *
1 point
26.___went to the minister in jodhpur coat. *
1 point
27. Which is the close bosom friend of the maturing sun? *
1 point
28. Martin Luther King Jr. had__children. *
1 point
29. The line "Nor in the hope, the world can show, A fitter love for me, is line from__ *
1 point
30. "That thou love'st mee, as thou say'st" is a line taken from___ *
1 point
31. The sentence, "The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is our indefinite multiplicity of wants" is taken from__ *
1 point
32. I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world" is a line taken from___ *
1 point
33. The world famous Attic civilization is in__ *
1 point
34. Gibbon associated with___ *
1 point
35.Which language is not our native language? *
1 point
36. In which century did Indian English come into existence? *
1 point
37. John Keats belonged to___ *
1 point
38. All of God's children in "I have a dream" refer to___ *
1 point
39. Seibei took to___after giving up collecting gourds. *
1 point
40. Pearl S. Buck gives_____ *
1 point
Life जितनी ज्यादा Hard होगी 
आप उतने ही Strong बनोगे 
और आप जितने ज्यादा Strong बनोगे 
Life उतनी ही Easy लगेगी 
By Amar Sir 
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