Tinik's VTuber Commissions
Hello! Please make sure you have read my T.O.S as well as all the information regarding my VTuber commissions before filling out this form.

Along with that, I will only be contacting clients who I think I will best be able to work with. If you are not selected, please do not take it personally as I am being selective due to my busy schedule and due to limited slots.

After I contact you with a full quote, you have full rights to change your mind on commissioning me.

NOTE: This form is ONLY for VTuber related commissions. If you are interested in something else, please contact me through my other socials directly.
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Client's Name *
Twitter Handle *
This is for contacting and crediting reasons. If you would like to communicate through different means, please tell me after I have contacted you.
Link to main streaming platform *
Respond with "N/A" if you do not have one yet.
Do you consent to me streaming progress on your commission? *
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