ReFocus Coaching

ReFocus Ministry works with churches of all denominations across the globe in connecting generations for faith formation. Sign up here for your FREE 30-minute initial coaching session!

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Name *
Title/Position *
Ministry Name & Denomination *
Phone Number (Please indicate if you prefer text or phone call)
What are three topics you'd like to discuss?
What questions do you have about generational discipleship? (up to 3)
Why did you reach out to ReFocus Ministry?
All initial ReFocus Coaching Sessions are held over Zoom. 
In the spaces below, help us to find the time that is best for us to meet with you! A follow-up email will provide specific times and dates to choose from and a Zoom link will be sent. 
Please indicate your time zone
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What times are best for you?
Thank you for your interest!
We will email you shortly with some specific dates and times to meet. For any other questions, email us at 
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