Wilds Region - Spring Sports Sign-up Form
Thank you for taking the time to sign-up for Spring Sports programming in Wilds Region. 
Signing up is REQUIRED for any interested athletes, unified partners or volunteers. 

IMPORTANT: Signing up to participate does not guarantee participation, as participation is dependent upon an adequate number of volunteers to ensure we provide safe and meaningful sports training.  

Once your form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with more information.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name: *
This should be the name of the athlete, unified partner or volunteer that is signing up TO PARTICIPATE.
Last Name: *
This should be the name of the athlete, unified partner or volunteer that is signing up TO PARTICIPATE.
Gender: *
This should be the gender of the athlete, unified partner or volunteer that is signing up TO PARTICIPATE.
Phone Number (Cell Phone preferred): *
This is the number we will use for all program communication.
Date of Birth  *
This should be the DATE OF BIRTH for the athlete, unified partner or volunteer that is signing up TO PARTICIPATE.
T-shirt Size *
County where you live:  *
This should be the  county where the athlete, unified partner or volunteer that is signing up TO PARTICIPATE resides.
This form is being filled out to sign up as:

Athlete: Special Olympics athletes are 8-year-old and older and have an intellectual disability, a cognitive delay, or a developmental disability. Athletes who are 6 and 7 years old can train in a sport but cannot compete.

Unified Partner: Volunteer that is 8-year-old and older who trains and competes alongside an athlete. (Class A)

Coach: Head or Assistant coach creates, organizes, and runs a comprehensive sport training program that enables athletes to build sport specific skills. (Class A)

Chaperone/Training Site VolunteerVolunteer who supports a training site/team to cover the 1:4 ratio. Chaperones do not help with sports training but may support a sport team through supervision and administrative support. Chaperones are able to supervise athletes and travel with the team to competitions. (Class A)

General Volunteer: Volunteer who assist only at local training site and has limited contact with athletes and only under the supervision of coaches.  Training Site Volunteers do not supervise, chaperone, or travel with the team to any competitions.  (Class B)

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