Student Survey
Please take this opportunity to tell me more about yourself and help make this year even more awesome for you!
Email *
What do you like to be called? *
What is something you did over summer? (An activity, travel, etc.) *
How many siblings do you have? Tell me about them! (Name, age, etc. *
Do you have any pets? If so, please tell me about them! *
What do you like best about school? *
What do you like least about school? Or, if there is something you'd like to change, what would it be? *
What is your favorite food? *
What is your favorite school subject? *
What do you like to do outside of school? (Hobbies, sports, etc.) *
Please tell me what your favorite animal is! *
What kind of music do you like to listen to? What is your favorite song at the moment? *
Where is your absolute favorite place to be in this world? *
Tell me about how you learn best, as well as what helps you. *
What is your favorite book at the moment? *
What did teachers do in the past that you liked? *
What are your thoughts or concerns about this school year? *
To you like doing online learning? *
And finally, is there anything else you'd like me to know about you? Please tell me below!
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