CME Evaluation: CMS Updates on Quality and the Medicare Advantage Push to Optimize Performance
Thank you for attending the 1-hour course on March 4 as part of the Practice Enhancement Seminar. Please use this form to attest to your participation in the session and complete your requirements to earn appropriate CME credit. Your feedback will also help us improve for future education offerings and conferences.
your name *
What was your overall opinion of the CME session? *
Did the material presented meet the stated learning objectives?  *
Did you feel the CME content was... *
Was the information presented free from commercial bias? *
What did you like most about the session?
What did you like least about the session?
What step will you take after attending the prescribing course? *
Please give your feedback on the course and speaker on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst rating and 5 being the best.
quality of presentation
topic value/relevance
overall rating
Please share any final comments, including recommendations for course topics and suggestions for ways TNAFP can improve the Practice Enhancement Seminar in the future.
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