Teacher's Feedback Form
Dear Faculty, This form intends to collect your valuable feedback on the quality of the academic curriculum  so that it may be shared with the University Board of studies for necessary actions. A robust curriculum which fulfills the learning needs of the students is essential for making the teaching-learning  process meaningful and useful for you. So, kindly fill the form with care. 

The teacher feedback actually functioned as an employee satisfaction survey.
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Feedback for Syllabus and its Transaction at the Institution
Very Good
Are the academic initiatives of the department contributing towards achieving the Mission and Vision of the institution
How do you rate the comprehensiveness of .the courses included in the academic curriculum of the programme?
Rate your satisfaction on the process followed for the periodic curriculum revision by the institution
How do you rate the balance between knowledge and skill based inputs in academic curriculum of the programme?
How do you rate the alignment of the course contents with the learning outcomes?
How do you rate the relevance of the course contents to the changing requirements of the profession/industry?
Does the curriculum have scope for acquiring strong knowledge and intellect on the specific domains through electives/CBCS/ Value Added Courses/ Certifications, etc
How do you rate the alignment of the evaluation system with the testing of the learning outcomes of each course in terms of conceptual, creative and critical thinking skills?
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