I want to improve my self esteem
I have high blood pressure
I've been told I have a fatty liver
I want to improve my sex life
I want to look better for my partner
I have surgery planned, I need to lose weight
I want to improve my mobility
If i lose weight my knees wont hurt as much
I have irritable bowel syndrome
I struggle to tie up my shoe laces
I have back pain, weight loss might help
I am trying to fall pregnant
My weight is affecting my job
My weight is affecting my relationship
My weight contributes to my depression & anxiety
I don't want to die early
I want to slow down the ageing process
I don't like the way I sweat a lot
I am embarrassed when I go to the beach
I don't like the chaffing between my legs
I have sleep apnoea, weightloss will help
I don't like the way I wobble when I move
I hate being called "The Big Fella", "Big Man"
I am tired of lying to myself
I am 20Kg heavier than I was 10 years ago
I have mood swings for no reason