Power Hour: Career Insights with Tegna
Recruiter Information Session Details:
What: Recruiters for Tegna will be visiting the Cronkite School virtually to present about the career opportunities their company has to offer. Whether you are a first-year student, a transfer student, an undergrad, or a graduate student, YOU ARE INVITED TO THIS EVENT!
When: Feb. 6, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. (Arizona time)
Where: Zoom
Who: All Cronkite Online, Immersion, undergrad, and grad students are welcome to attend this session.

Deadline to sign-up: Jan. 28, 2025 by 11:59 p.m.

Please contact us with any questions at cronkitecareers@asu.edu

For more information about Tegna, go to: https://www.tegna.com/
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Email Address
We will use this as our main form of communication, so please check it frequently.
Phone Number
Write your phone number in the following format: 000-000-0000
Student Status
I am an...
Expected Term/Year of Graduation *
How will you attend?
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If yes, please let us know your dietary restriction(s).
Students who cancel any Careers appointment or session within 24 hours of the event must submit an explanation to the Career Services team. If students do not notify the Careers team at least 24 hours in advance, then they will end up on the strike list. If they miss more than one event that they have signed up for, then they will not be able to participate in any other Career events -- including recruiter visits and Internship Interview Day interviews -- for an entire semester. *
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