CUSD 201 Elementary Future Planning Task Force
The Elementary Future Planning Task Force will be a collaborative group made up of various CUSD 201 stakeholders. The task force will meet four times June 9, June 23, July 7, and August 4. All meetings will take place via Zoom from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The task force will be focused on the question: How do we structure our elementary schools to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of our students. Goals of the task force are to:

A) Flesh out viable options for building configurations in the K-5 grade levels
B) Develop ways to share information and gather community feedback on the viable options
C) Provide final recommendations to the CUSD 201 Board of Education in November 2021

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Participant Agreement
1. Actively participate and attend all four summer meetings.

2. Be willing to share your perspectives and priorities and appreciate the perspectives and priorities of other members of the task force.

3. Be willing to complete tasks in between meetings to make sure that we stick to our timeline.
Full Name *
Are you a (check all that apply) *
If you have children in the district, which school(s) do they attend? (enter N/A if you do not school-aged children) *
Full Address *
Phone Number *
Email address *
Do you presently volunteer at child's school? If yes, in what capacity?
Why do you want to be a member of the Elementary Future Planning Task Force?
Do you have any additional questions, comments or concerns about your participation on the task force?
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