Tripal Codefest 2022 Registration
To register for the codefest, please provide the following required information (as well as optional fields if applicable).  We will contact participants prior to the codefest to share the GatherTown access URL for the event.

The event will be held over a 2-day period.  The specific dates will be determined using registration information collected below.  Participants can join groups focused on specific topics or suggest their own topic.  Group team leaders will organize efforts in December to maximize coding time in January.

When:  Jan 26-27
Where: Virtually, via GatherTown
Cost: None
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Please provide your name *
Please provide your email so we can contact you *
What community database or group are you representing? *
What time zone are you located in? *
What, if any,  barriers exist to you attending the CodeFest?
The following are topics have been suggested as group activities for the Codefest.  Please select any in which you would like to participate and/or suggest a new one if you agree to lead that group. *
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