PHS Football Summer Training 2024
The Titan Influence Athletic Outreach Club would like to invite our 7th through 12th graders to attend summer training at Poway High School. 

7th-8th graders are $150, June 10th -28th, 4-6:30 pm with our Freshman team
9th- 12th graders are $250, June 10th through July 16th

Full Day Camp: June 24-28, 6 am to 10 pm for 9th-12th graders, $335 

Our 7th-9th graders will be on the JV/Frosh Baseball Grass Field from 4-6:30 pm, M-F
Our 10th -12th graders will be in the Titan Football Stadium on the turf field, 8-12 pm (nutritional break 10-11 am), M-F

Please  fill out contact info below, sign the waiver and submit payment.  Your registration is not complete until this is submitted, waiver signed, AAU membership complete and payment received.  This is sponsored by the Influence Athletics Outreach Club with Coach Brandon Harris and not affiliated with Poway High School itself or the Boosters.  Must be completed to attend summer trainings.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Player First and Last Name *
Player Grade this Fall 2024 *
Parent First and Last Name *
Parent Email (to receive communication about summer trainings) *
Parent contact phone number (in case of emergency) *
In consideration of my application being accepted and honoring my child's request to participate in the
Titan Influence Athletic Outreach/and or Youth Trainings (paid camps or/free admission).
I intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators (hereinafter
“myself,” “me,” “I,” and/or “my”), waive, release and forever discharge any and all actions, causes of action,
debts, obligations, contracts, promises, damages, judgments, claims and demands whatsoever in law or in
equity, known or unknown, presently due or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, that I might have
myself or could bring on my child's behalf with regard to damages, demands, or any actions whatsoever,
including but not limited to those based on negligence or failure to supervise, in any manner arising out
of my child's participation in this activity against Poway High School, its respective staff officers, agents,
representatives, entities, administrators, faculty members, employees, students, agents, and successors,
and/or assigns, individually and collectively (hereinafter “Poway High School”), for any or all damages that
may be sustained or suffered by my son in connection with my child’s association with or participation in
the football camp being conducted at Poway High School. I also hereby agree to save, hold harmless, and
indemnify Poway High School against any and all claims, including claims of negligence or failure to
supervise, which I or my child might bring against them as a result of his participation in the camp. I
recognize that this Waiver Release means that I am giving up, among other things, rights to sue Poway
High School for injuries, damages or losses that my child may incur.
Moreover, in consideration of my application being accepted and honoring my child's request to
participate in the Titans Summer Football Camp/and or Titans Youth Camps (paid camps or/free
admission), I intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and
administrators, waive, release and forever discharge any and all actions, causes of action, debts,
obligations, contracts, promises, damages, judgments, claims and demands whatsoever in law or in
equity, known or unknown, presently due or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, that I might have
myself or could bring on my child's behalf with regard to damages, demands, or any actions whatsoever,
including but not limited to those based on negligence or failure to supervise, in any manner arising out
of my child's participation in this activity against the Titan’s Football Camps, Youth Camps, Summer
Camps, 7v7 games, Big Man Challenge Competitions) , its respective coaches, staff, officers,
administrators, entities, members, co-campers, agents, representatives, successors, and/or assigns,
individually and collectively (hereinafter referred to “Football Camp”), for any or all damages that may be
sustained or suffered by my son in connection with my child’s association with or participation in the
football camp being conducted at Poway High School. I also hereby agree to save, hold harmless, and
indemnify the Football Camp against any and all claims, including claims of negligence or failure to
supervise, which I or my child might bring against them as a result of his participation in the camp. I
recognize that this Waiver Release means that I am giving up, among other things, rights to sue the
Football Camp for injuries, damages or losses that my child may incur.
It is agreed that all risks attendant to watching and/or participating in camp activities, including, but not
limited to bodily injury, are assumed by the camper and his parents and/or legal guardian and that this
assumption is acknowledged, approved, and agreed to by said camper and his parents and/or legal
guardian as indicated by the parental signature below.
I, the parent or guardian, do hereby agree to the above waiver and release. I hereby understand and
acknowledge that Poway High School does not run the Titan’s Football Camp.

Parents Approval & Consent

I give my approval and consent to the participation of my son in the program of the Titan’s Football Camp
(Titans Summer Football Camp/and or Titans Youth Camps (paid camps or/free admission). I am
aware of the risks and hazards incidental to such participation and I certify that he is physically fit to take
part in all activities and that I know of no physical impairments which would in any manner limit his/her
participation in such a program. I will not hold Poway High school, Titan’s Football Camp, camp
authorities, camp staff, or my son’s fellow campers responsible in case of an accident or injury as a result
of his participation, and I understand that I am responsible for any and all medical expenses that may
result from his participation. Permission is granted to use his photograph(s) in future camp literature and
publicity (rare cases). I pledge his compliance to any and all camp rules and understand that he could be
dismissed from camp for any conduct not in the best interests of the camp, no part of his registration fee.

Consent to Treatment

I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby authorize any medical evaluation
or treatment of my son that may be advised or recommended by the attending sports therapist, certified
athletic trainer, physician, nurse and/or medical provider while at the Titan’s Football Camp Titans
Summer Football Camp/and or Titans Youth Camps (paid camps or/free admission). I hereby grant
permission for physicians, dentists, other licensed health care providers and their designees associated
with the camp to administer outpatient medical, surgical, or dental services as appropriate, or necessary
antigens or other injections, to perform emergency procedures as necessary or to refer to duly licensed
medical personnel when indicated. I agree to authorize and grant the Titan’s Football Camp, its respective
staff officers, agents, representatives, entities, administrators, faculty members, employees, agents,
clinicians, trainers, nurses (hereinafter “Titan’s Football Camp”) the authority to seek, obtain and approve,
in my absence, any medical care and treatment including, but not limited to: medical, surgical and/or
dental examination, diagnosis and/or treatment; radiological studies; anesthesia care which may be
recommended and provided under the general supervision of any licensed physician or surgeon (herein
after “healthcare provider”) to my child, which said healthcare provider in his/her professional judgment is
necessary for the health and well-being of my child during his participation in the camp. Moreover, I
agree that I will be solely responsible for any and all costs incurred and agree to hold the Titan’s Football
Camp, and/or Poway High School, its respective staff officers, agents, representatives, entities,
administrators, faculty members, employees, students, agents, and successors, and/or assigns harmless
for any liability arising out of any good faith action(s) taken in providing and/or obtaining medical care
and treatment for and/or to my child.

I acknowledge receipt and understanding of the above information for the Waiver, Parent Consent and Consent to Treatment by selecting each item below
Waiver Acknowledgement (type Parent First name, Parent Last name and date, Type Player First and Last Name and Graduating year) *
Any allergies? Information we should know about your child (enter none if not applicable) *
Method of Payment (payable to Influence Athletics Outreach) *
AAU membership complete and $22 paid- see email for instructions *
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