Want Rick to Zoom Into Your Class?
One of Rick's favorite things to do is hop in to classes going on all around the country - he absolutely loves those opportunities to greet these groups, support our amazing coaches, and even do live Q&A like we do on our Coaches Corner calls. Fair warning, you'll want to allow extra time as once Rick hops on, he's likely to stay awhile! 

Using this simple form, you are now able to check your eligibility and submit your request for Rick to hop in to one of your classes! If you're on this page, we already know you want Rick to join, before submitting this form, please review the basic eligibility requirements - if you meet them, go for it! If you don't (yet), simply bookmark this form and come back when ready, it's that simple! 

Class Eligibility (all must be true):
1) Class must be entered in our system (Created in your Coach Dashboard)
2) Must have previously completed at least one class with a minimum of 10 students OR it's your first class, but you have over 100 registered
3) Current class that you would like for Rick to zoom into should have a target of 50+ regularly attending students

Note: Not an ironclad requirement, but we'd also like you to affirm willingness to help fellow coaches in your area, whether at a local or even state-wide level as a volunteer Coach Ambassador.

If the above is all true for you, please proceed with the simple form below - we're so proud of you!
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Coach Name (first and last) *
Coach Email Address (please double-check for accuracy) *
Zoom (or other online) link for the class you'd like Rick to join: *
How many classes have you coached to this point? *
How many students are currently registered for the class you'd like Rick to join? (Target eligibility is 50 regularly attending) *
What is the primary class benefit you anticipate or hope to experience from Rick's participation?  *
Anything else you think would be helpful for Rick or the Coach Support Team to know?
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