Rain Athletics Absence Request Form
Please use this form to report any and all absences (including vacations, late arrivals, early dismissals or injury/illness requiring modified participation in practice). You can enter up to three related absence dates on this form (i.e., for a vacation). If you have multiple unrelated absences, please submit separate forms.  If your athlete is on multiple teams, please submit a separate form for each team.

Our success is directly impacted by team attendance and commitment. All absences will be reviewed by Rain staff and will be approved or rejected at our discretion.

If your absence is approved, you will NOT receive a response from Rain Staff. If your absence is not approved, Rain Staff will contact you to discuss. No absences within 2 weeks of a competition are approved.
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Email *
Athlete Name (First and Last) *
Team Missed: *
What type of absence is this? *
Practice Date: *
Please be sure you are entering 4 digits for the year, i.e.: "2024” and not "24”
2nd Practice Date (skip if this form is only for one absence) :
Please be sure you are entering 4 digits for the year, i.e.: "2023" and not "23"
3rd Practice Date (if more than 3 absences, please submit a separate form):
Please be sure you are entering 4 digits for the year, i.e.: "2023" and not "23"
Describe your absence: *
Is this requested absence within 2 weeks of a scheduled Rain Athletics competition/performance? *
If you answered yes above, have you previously discussed and had this absence approved by an owner? 
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By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Rain Athletics Policies & Expectations document, and I am submitting this absence in accordance with the guidelines of that document. If you do NOT receive an email from Rain Staff to discuss this request, your absence is approved. Exception: Absence requests two weeks from the date of a competition are NOT approved by default. Please type the name of the person submitting this form below to virtually sign: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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