Quiz 1 Health and Disease Management
Quiz 1
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1. You are looking to purchase a horse and find one that is very much to your liking but you notice he has no muscle over his right shoulder blade. Explain the problem this horse has and what you could expect if you bought him?
2. In your own words explain what you would tell a friend who asks you if they always have to “kill horses” when the horse breaks a leg?
3. Explain the major difference between sesmoiditis and osselets.
4. What is the difference between low ringbone, high ringbone and articular ringbone
5. Compare and contrast degenerative joint disease and OCD.
6. Explain why the forelimbs of the horse are more prone to lameness problems than the hind limbs?
7. If you came out to feed your horse one morning and noticed a big, soft swelling on the point of his elbow, but he was not lame, what would you suspect and how would you go about handling the situation?
8. If you came out to feed your horse one morning and you noticed he was suddenly unable to put weight on his right front leg and it was extremely swollen with a puncture wound and some puss draining from his forearm, what possibilities could cause this type of situation? What would you do for him?
9. What are the similarities and differences between splints and bucked shins?
10. What would be your procedure, in a step by step process, to determine what area of the leg a horse was sore enough in to cause an obvious lameness at the trot?
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