SRA Modern Apprenticeship Questionnaire
The Scottish Racing Academy is currently considering a Skills Development Scotland contract application and would like to establish the demand and desire for another training provider to offer generic equine apprenticeships in Scotland. 

By way of background, the Scottish Racing Academy is an established training provider which offers a range of qualifications for the horse racing industry at Level 5 and above and generic equine qualifications at Level 4. However, it has come to our attention that there may be an opportunity to increase our reach into Scottish livery yards, riding schools, competition centres and competition yards through the means of the modern apprenticeship at Level 4, 5 & 6. 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand where and who might benefit from the Scottish Racing Academy delivering the Modern Apprenticeship in Scotland. 
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Name of centre *
Location *
Main business activity *
If you elected 'Other', please specify below.
How many people do you employ on any basis?  *
How many of these are already completing an apprenticeship?  *
Would you consider recruiting an apprentice with the Scottish Racing Academy? *
If yes, how many?
Which of the following would be most important for the employer to consider in relation to working with the Scottish Racing Academy? *
Any other suggestions?
Any other comments? *
Are you happy for your details to be shared with SDS as part of the application?  *
If the Scottish Racing Academy are successful, would you like us to get back in touch? *
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