I Pledge to be a Local Voice for Every Animal

Thank you for endorsing our manifesto for animals and pledging to be a local voice for every animal! 

To officially register your support, kindly complete the form below. Following your submission, we'll reach out to equip you with materials showcasing your dedication to protecting and enhancing animal welfare.

With our collective effort, we aspire to create a world where every animal is respected and treated with kindness and compassion. Your participation is invaluable as we advance towards this vision. 

Thank you for taking this vital step and aligning with us on our mission to advocate for animals and prevent cruelty and abuse.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Your name: *
Your council: *
Council position: *
I pledge to be a local voice for every animal in my role as a councillor:
My key issues for animal welfare are (optional):
Please tell us if you do not wish to be contacted:
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