Temple Night of Ropes - Worship
18 May 18.00-22.30

This magical evening invite you into community, devotion and exploration in the spirit of the temple arts.

- The performance is an authentic tying session. No acting, no, plan. Just raw and honest presence and pleasure. The performance is foremost ment as an inspirational act for people who are new to shibari.
This part of the evening is optional to join.

- The warm up workshop is obligatory to enter the play space. It will focus on using the ropes as your tool for connection. We will use the theme of "worship" to practice both technique, how to use the ropes to communicate, and explore polarities within relationships and within one self.

- The Temple play space will start with a guided opening drawing inspiration from the rituals of sacred sexuality and tantra. The space will then open up for free practice and play inspired by the theme of worship. You will both be safely guided through exercises and supported in creating free interactions where you are invited to practice, play and witness the beauty of connection.

Skills from different artforms come together in the teachings; dance, massage, tantra, kink, meditation, and communication. With these perspectives a space is created to deep dive into being, for meetings to bloom with curiosity, playfulness and depth.



The Temple night welcomes both total beginners and advanced rope practitioners.

We will not go through the very basics of technique, but beginners are welcome to join to have a taste of rope to know if you want to dive deeper into studying Sensual Shibari.

To be in an open play space involves taking care of your own interractions and boundaries, so I advice you to feel into if that is something you are comfortable with.

You can sign up alone, together with a friend or partner.
During the workshop we will practice together and change partners, so this night is for you who have an open mind to meet with different people.

If you want to stay with a partner that is also welcome, but I would prefer that you are also open to other interractions, for example to join exersises inclusing 3 people.
Make sure you fill in one form each.



May 18

17.45 Doors open
18.00 Performance
18.30 Doors close
18.45 Workshop starts
19.30 Temple Night opens
22.30 Closing

Stockholm, tba

Only performance: 120 kr
Full evening: 390 kr
Participants of the Tantric shibari for Couples only: 100kr



Molly Maria is a teacher, bodyworker and artist exploring sexuality, emotional health and growth through classes, studies and private sessions.

Her way of tying is inspired by dance, contact improvisation, massage, meditation, bdsm and tantra. There is a focus on presence, sensuality and the deep contact between people, where the rope becomes a tool and a framework to experience one self and others.


Hope to meet you soon!
If you have any questions contact me at
Love Molly
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Email (make sure to spell it correctly, because this is how I will get in contact with you) *
I am coming:
In the classes we will practice together and with each other, meaning we will change partners and meet people of all genders. It is therefore good if you feel comfortable being physically close to new people of mixed genders and feel some confidence in taking care of your own basic boundaries. We will also actively work on creating a safe space and to practice asking ouselves what we want and not and communicate this.
Exceptions are possible for people who want to stay with their partners.
Do you have earlier experiences of shibari or other bodily/sensual/explorative activities and what is your comfortability around spaces exploring intimacy?
The classes will be held in Swedish, unless there are participants who do not speak Swedish, then the class will be in English. *
Note if any food allergies.
I want to attend:
Your spot will be reserved after payment. Payment. *
How did you find the event?
Anything else to ask or tell?
Looking forward to meet and tie together! Love Molly
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