Founders Love Coffee - Signup
Please provide details about you and your company to help us do a better match
Email *
Your name (First and Last name) *
Your LinkedIn *
Company Name *
Is your company product based or services based *
A short summary about your company (We do X for Y) *
Your designation (CEO / CTO / CRO etc) *
Your Industry (EdTech / FinTech / HRTech / Marketing services etc) *
Founders from which industry do you prefer to meet? (we will try, no guarantees)  *
What designations do you prefer to meet? (we will try, no guarantees)  *
Your timezone, use format: "PST / GMT-8" (Not sure, Google: "<YourTimezone> GMT offset")?
Your Calendly or equivalent link for 30 minute meeting (Only share if it adds Google Meet / Zoom / Teams etc. If you don't have it say "NA") *
How often would you like to connect with other founders? (This is just a survey)
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