Supernatural Fanfiction Awards Round 21
Nominate your stories below by filling out the form
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1. Completed Supernatural Fanfiction Only. Link DIRECTLY to story URL.
2. Don't forget to add Author's Name in either Summary or Title fields.
3. Nominate each story ONLY once. No limit on amount of stories nominated per author.
4. Ratings: Any.
5. Couples: Gen, Slash, Het, etc. allowed.
6. Plagiarism is not tolerated, nor is harassment of the judges!
7. Do not nominate the following authors (they decline to be nominated): H.T. Marie, BurstynOut.
8. If you have your own website, please link back using a button or text link. If you have a account or Archive of Our Own, please link back in profile. (Please spread the word)
9. Are one-shots and poems allowed?: Yes, as long as they are completed.
10. If you are not the author, please make sure the author is aware that you've nominated them.

Do you agree to follow the rules? *
Title of Story *
Author of Story *
URL of Story *
Story Summary: *
Main Characters: *
Wajib diisi
Category (Please select only 1) *
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