MSP Silent Bargaining Team Registration
Thank you for your interest in participating in MSP Bargaining as an Expanded Bargaining Team member. Many union members have participated in past sessions and many more are interested.  Please note that if we have sufficient interest for the next session, we may ask you to register for a later session. We are trying to balance the strategic needs of the team while also increasing member participation.

What does being an SBT member look like?

On a bargaining day:
Strategy session with Core Bargaining Team: typically 30-60 minutes prior to bargaining
Bargaining session with MSP and UML Management typically 2 hours
Debrief (optional but strongly recommended): typically 30 minutes after bargaining

Location: typically hybrid or remote

Contact at if you have any questions.

Note - please provide a non-UML email address below. To protect the privacy the union and its members, the SBT will not use UML email addresses in its planning.

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Email *
Please enter your preferred first name. *
Please enter your surname. *
Please enter your cell phone number. *
Please select your faculty type. *
Please select your college. *
Please enter your department. *
Please indicate if you already attended an SBR training during this bargaining cycle  (2024-2025). *
Please select the dates that you are interesting in attending. Due to demand, we may not be able to accommodate attendance at all dates. A follow-up email confirming your date will be typically sent out one week prior to bargaining.  
I am interested in attending bargaining on Wednesday February 26th, 2024 from 4p-6p. Pre-bargaining will begin at 3p. *
I am interested in attending bargaining on Monday March 3rd, 2024 from 4p-6p. Pre-bargaining will begin at 3p. *
I am interested in attending bargaining on Monday March 10th, 2024 from 3p-6p. Pre-bargaining will begin at 2p. *
I am interested in attending bargaining on additional dates as they become available.  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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