Our Guiding Questions
Your input is valuable as we dream and plan for the future. Please fill out the survey below, thoughtfully reviewing the questions and answering them honestly!
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Name (First and Last)
Phone Number
Email Address
Are you a member of HBIC?
What is the most important thing HBIC could do in the next few years to be a “thriving diverse urban church sharing Christ’s love and serving the needs of our local and global communities?"
What are the top priorities to improve the spiritual and community life of children, youth, and adults who participate in ministries with HBIC?
What do we need to learn more about in terms of our neighborhood, city, and region to be more effective?
In what ways do our location, space, structure, programs, and ministries help us to be effective? In what ways do our location, space, structure, programs and ministries limit our effectiveness?
In what ways should we partner with the larger Brethren in Christ church?
In what ways should we partner with other parachurch, church and community ministries?
Thank you for your time in taking this survey!
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