Formulir Pelaporan Masalah/ Kendala Investasi di Indonesia (Investment Constraints in Indonesia Reporting Form)
Form ini dikelola oleh Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Investasi dan Pertambangan pada Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Republik Indonesia untuk merespon dan menindaklanjuti kendala maupun hambatan yang dialami Pelaku Usaha dalam investasi/ melakukan kegiatan usaha di Indonesia.

(This form is managed by the Deputy Chief for Investment and Mining Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to respond and follow up on obstacles experienced by Business Actors in investing/conducting business activities in Indonesia).
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Nama Lengkap Pelapor (Full Name) *
Email *
Nomor HP/Whatsapp Pelapor (Phone/ Whatsapp Number) *
Instansi/Organisasi Pelapor (Agency/ Organization) *
Permasalahan yang Dialami (Problems Experienced/ Constraints Existed) *
Stakeholders Terkait (Related Stakeholders) *
Apakah Anda sudah pernah melaporkan kasus ini sebelumnya melalui website/media/format lain? (Have you previously reported this case through other websites/media/formats?) *
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya" pada pertanyaan sebelumnya, kepada Siapa Anda melaporkan permasalahan tersebut? (If you answered "Yes" on the previous question, to whom did you report the problem?) *
Tindak lanjut seperti apa yang diberikan oleh Pihak dimana Anda melapor? (What kind of follow-up/ solution provided by the Party to which you report? *
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