We want to book you for entertainment!
The Spot On The Lake is looking to provide live entertainment for our patrons! We are interested in knowing what talent is out there! Whether you are a singer, a DJ, in a band, play an instrument, are a comedian, do magic, etc. We would like to know! Are you a producer looking to book gigs for your clients?

Please fill out the form below!
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
What is your name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your email? *
What is the best way to reach you? *
What sort of entertainment do you provide? *
How long have you been an entertainer? *
Days of the week you preform. *
Do you provide your own PA / Sound equipment? *
What is your asking rate? *
Additional Comments or Questions
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