Block Party Request Form
The Gilmore Park Community League (GPCL) is pleased to offer free block party bags to Glen Allan residents who plan to host a block party on their block or cul-de-sac. 

Block Party Bags include items intended to help you plan a block party and to deepen connections with your neighbours. For Block Party permitting and additional resources such as spring grants, visit Also, check out the Block Party yard games available through Volunteer Strathcona

Once your request is received by a GPCL volunteer they will follow up with you to make arrangements for you to pick up the bag. We ask that any unused supplies be returned, so that we can pass them on to other Block Party hosts. If you have questions please contact

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Name of Glen Allan Resident Requesting a Block Party Bag (you must be Glen Allan resident to request a bag) *
Requesters Email *
Requesters Phone Number *
Street/Road/Crescent where the Block Party is occurring (block parties must be in Glen Allan) *
What is the date of your Block Party? *
Approximately, how many people are you expecting at your Block Party? *
GPCL has supplies for making emergency preparedness backpacks. Would you like supplies so that every household on your block, that participates in your Block Party, can put together a free backpack? (Supplies include: a backpack, emergency blanket, candle, matches, whistle, toilet paper, water, hygiene items and a list of personal items to add). To learn more about the GPCL Just in Case Community Project visit our website. *
If yes, how many households do you expect will attend your Block Party?
Would you like to receive neighbourhood news from the Gilmore Park Community League? (GPCL regularly shares Glen Allan information regarding local businesses, upcoming events, safety concerns, lost pets, neighbour stories and initiatives)
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