HCS Board Candidate Statement 2024-2025
Every year various HCS Board positions come up for election to be voted on by the alumni members of the club.
In order to get to know each candidate a bit better we ask that you fill out all of the items on this form.
HCS Board members are unpaid volunteers who collaborate to fulfill the mission of the club.
Please visit http://harvardseattle.org, to learn more about the mission, public service initiatives, programs, events, membership, etc.
The deadline for completion is Sunday, May 19, 2024, 12:00am PT
Your membership must be current and you must reside in the geographic area we serve.
Questions?: David Lawson, HCS Nominations Committee Chair, dlawson@perkinscoie.com
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Please provide your First and Last Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
How are you affiliated with Harvard University, i.e. school, degree program, and graduation year? 
Are you currently a member of the club? 
How have you been active with the club or with other organizations? 
What skills and experiences would you be able to contribute to the board or club? 
How would you like to contribute to our community and/or board?  Given the Mission Statement, board roles, public service Initiatives, and programs, what opportunities would you like to help create and collaborate on? 
How would you add diversity, very broadly defined, to the board or community? 
Are you able to commit to a 3-year term, attend all board meetings (about 4 per year), and be actively involved in organizing and attending our various events and initiatives? 
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