Kids workshop registration
Chatty Counselors ~ kids social emotional workshop REGISTRATION 
April lesson topic: Impulse Control
Meeting date:  April 26th, 2023 (Wednesday)
Meeting times:  5:00pm- 6:00pm
Price: $40 per child and 50% off discount for siblings ($20 for siblings)
Address:  Adventure Park 11113 W Baldwin Rd, Monrovia, MD 21770
Further questions: Contact us at
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Child's Name  (include all children you are signing up) *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Email *
Phone number *
What age is your child(ren)? *
What school or homeschool does your child attend? *
I understand that drop off is 5:00pm and pick up is 6:00pm. *
I understand that I have to pay in full by April 14th for my child's spot to be held. 
(Our PayPal link will be emailed with the confirmation email)
Chatty Counselors will email you to confirm we received your registration and a PayPal link will be sent.. 

THANK YOU! We look forward to working with you!
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