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Uncharted Territories Social Graph
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find people like you among the 80,000-strong Uncharted Territories audience.
The more information you give, the more likely we are to
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What kind of person would you want to meet? What kind of relationships do you expect to form?
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What are your main interests?
Your answer
What is your educational experience? Please be as detailed as possible.
Your answer
What is your professional experience? Please be as detailed as possible
Your answer
Paste your LinkedIn profile ( it should be something like )
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Age (this won't be made public)
Your answer
Your answer
Where do you live and work? (this won't be made public)
Your answer
Are you OK to be contacted by me or Uncharted Territories members? (your email will never be handed to anybody unless you expressly hand it)
OK that Tomas Pueyo contacts me
OK that Uncharted Territories members contact me through the application
If you're open to me contacting you, please share everything else you might think relevant! (eg areas of expertise, things you'd be willing to do)
Your answer
Send me a copy of my responses.
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